Cottolengo Sisters in Coimbatore

The presence of Cottolengo was begun in Coimbatore in the year 1991, the community was officially inaugurated in the year 1994, the purpose of the establishment is to extend service to the poor and the needy of the respective society, particularly to take care, support and rehabilitate the differently abled. The novices have their formation house in this community.

What do we do?

  The pupils are trained for their daily living skills and personal hygiene to improve their personality development in our special school in the convent premises. There is also a residence for the differently abled women and a physiotherapy centre for the people who are in need. We render selfless service irrespective of age, colour, culture, gender and economic status. Apart from these services, we the sisters co-operate with the pastoral activities of the local parish, such as, catechism, BCC, family visit, etc.

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